by Chloé Sardin

Osteopathic Therapist at The Osteo Way

I’m a French-trained Osteopathic therapist who now works here in Calgary at The Osteo Way. While I use many different techniques in treating patients, I draw heavily from Biodynamic Osteopathy to solve complex cases, to help babies, and to get a lot of the people who come to see me back up and on their feet, feeling better as quickly and efficiently as possible.

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Hi there! I’m a French-trained osteopathic therapist who now works here in Calgary at The Osteo Way. This is my blog where I discuss health from an osteopathic perspective.

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Tennis Elbow: An Invisible Wildfire of Inflammation

tennis elbow

Adam came to the clinic complaining about tennis elbow (tendinitis in his elbow) that was extremely painful, preventing him from doing his job as a carpenter and taking care of his family–helping his wife with their newborn baby–and from doing his regular CrossFit workouts. Quite the disruption! Using my osteopathic brain, we started…

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How do I know if My Child could benefit from Osteopathy?

does YOUR child lie like this?--with a side bend?

As an Osteopathic therapist, we often follow our patients through life, beginning from their active 20’s as athletes, to their 30’s when they start building their family, which allows us to help the aches and pains experienced during pregnancy. Naturally, our patients ask questions about their babies: how we might be able…

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